Elite Hockey Training

Train Smart

Play Fast

Skating Treadmill

Our state-of-the-art skating treadmill and computer assisted analysis, target the most important and often overlooked aspect of hockey progression... the fundamentals of skating.


The J² skating system, based heavily on DC Hybrid Skating, is designed to progress athletes from beginner to juniors to college and beyond. Our system focuses on minimizing the effort required for maximum efficiency .


Come work with our elite instructors to improve your on ice performance faster than any other method.  No matter your skill level, from beginner to pro, we can design a program to help you unlock your next level.

ViMi Cognitive Sports Training

J² Visual and Mind (ViMi) training is designed to enable learning and increase an athlete’s capacity to make fast reads and make effective decisions with precision and accuracy.


Elite player decision making at any level is reflected in the tight time gap between what they read and when they react along with the decision-making process in that small amount of time.  Elite players are judged by their ability to recognize what they see, their memory relative to any significance in the pattern, and decisions that create an action. The ability to judge which cues are most important is an acquired skill.  


ViMi Training will increase an athlete’s information processing speed.


ViMi Coaching will help an athlete make smarter decisions that advance their coach’s game plan.